Healing Hearts Wellness Workshops for Parents & Young Adult/Adult Siblings
We are delighted to share the start of a new program for both bereaved parents and siblings (Young Adult and Adult). Lori Krause will lead Healing Hearts Wellness Workshops once a month on Wednesdays from 7- 8PM ET on 1/31, 2/28, 3/27 and 4/24, followed in the summer on June 26, July 31st, August 28th. Participants will learn techniques to better manage stress and moods and learn new practices to stay healthy, embrace new experiences and thrive while living with loss and grief.
Healing Hearts is MIB’s multi-faceted bereavement program of group sessions, wellness sessions, and retreats for Parents and Siblings of OsteoAngels.
Lori Krause is a life coach with a focus on grief as well as end of life. A hospice-trained grief facilitator for both adults and children, Lori is an INELDA-trained End of Life Doula and has her professional coaching credential (PCC) with the ICF as an End of Life and Grief Coach. Lori’s approach is to “hold hands” and walk alongside her clients as they process life’s deep emotions, loss, and challenges. She creates a compassionate and supportive space by providing education on what is to be expected in grief and mourning, helping clients discover coping tools and new perspectives, and creating hope for the future. MIB Agents is honored to have Lori leading our Healing Hearts group sessions and workshops.
Please note: Healing Hearts Wellness Workshops are for Osteosarcoma Bereaved families only.
Links will be sent the Monday preceding each session. If you have not registered for Healing Hearts in the past, please fill out the short form here.
There is no charge for any program at MIB, thanks to donors like you!
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