One Day at a Time: A Journey Through Pediatric Cancer

One Day at a Time: A Journey Through Pediatric Cancer

When 14-year-old Cole Davis is diagnosed with leukemia, he and his circle of family and friends are all thrust into the long, difficult journey of pediatric cancer. Uniquely written from the perspective of both mother and son, this story details the battles of a teenager fighting the traumatic illness. It gives the reader a peak inside to gain understanding and insight into the plight cancer families endure every day. Laura Davis touches on the harshness of being a mom of a teen boy whose life has been threatened, the trouble of drug shortages, and the need for support and encouragement that all parents of childhood cancer patients share. Cole sheds light on the challenges teens face in a children’s hospital where furniture is built for small children and most of the programs and events are child-like. Not yet an adult, but no longer a child, teens with cancer are an often overlooked, underserved community in oncology.

Laura and Cole Davis

Laura and Cole Davis are a mother and son who want to give back to those who helped them on their journey, share their experience for others on the journey now or in the future, and advocate for awareness of the battles pediatric cancer families face each day. Laura is a school counselor and higher education professional who uses writing as her outlet. Cole is a seventeen year old high school senior who is preparing for college. The live in Pennsylvania with their family and three dogs.


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