Currently browsing: Collaborative Achievements

CAC2 Member Blog–Wisconsin Pediatric Cancer Action Plan Published!

By CAC2 Member Autumn Gentry, MACC Fund This collaborative state advocacy effort was due to the dedicated work of a pair of CAC2 members in Wisconsin building on the work that came together from other CAC2 members’ efforts.  We love to celebrate when our members work together!  I have been developing an advocacy arm for the MACC Fund with no formal experience or training, relying only on my personal connection to childhood cancer. I’ve noticed a pattern in getting things done: Start with an informed idea. Take a step forward. Listen for feedback. Connect with the right people. Repeat, one […]

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CAC2 Collaborative Achievement–CAC2 Members Build Framework for Advancing Pediatric Cancer Research and Drug Development

At CAC2 we love to celebrate when our members work together.  We offer congratulations to Supporting Organization Day One Biopharmaceuticals and CAC2 member authors and reviewers who contributed to the white paper "Advancing Pediatric Cancer Research and Drug Development through Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration: A Framework Based on the Tovorafenib Journey."   "Advancing Pediatric Cancer Research and Drug Development through Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration" highlights the specific collaborative efforts needed to address the limited treatment options for childhood cancer. Based on learnings from the research and development journey of tovorafenib, a treatment for pediatric low-grade glioma, the paper highlights features of successful collaborations among [...] Read more

CAC2 Collaborative Achievement–Foundations Moving Towards A Venture Philanthropy Model

This collaborative research effort was due in part to childhood cancer groups coming together as part of CAC2. CAC2 salutes CAC2 Member Organizations The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation, Jeff Gordon Children’s Foundation, The Children’s Cancer Research Fund, along with other community partners who have joined forces with CAC2 Supporting Organization Oncoheroes Biosciences in a unique effort against childhood cancer.  These foundations choose to invest in drug development to get promising drugs across the developmental “valley of death.” The drug development process consists of a long and arduous series of steps to bring a new pharmaceutical drug to the market. The valley of death is […]

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CAC2 Member Blog–Joint-Funding Initiative for Ewing Sarcoma

By CAC2 Member Sarah Bartosz, Beat Childhood Cancer This collaborative research effort was due in part to childhood cancer groups coming together as part of CAC2. Nearly one year ago, Gold In September (G9) joined forces with Beat Nb to become Beat Childhood Cancer, a single organization building research infrastructure, funding precision medicine, and growing the conversation to champion gold awareness. With belief in parent impact as a driving force, the expanded Beat Childhood Cancer organization has forged a new collaboration with other CAC2 members. In an effort to find novel ways to support precision medicine efforts, The Spada Pediatric [...] Read more

Guest Blog–How Collaboration is Advancing Research and Clinical Care in Pediatric Cancer

By Guest Blogger Dr. Lynne Davies, Operations Manager, International Cancer Research Program   It is with great excitement that I write to let you know about the upcoming webinar scheduled for Monday, April 19th at 10am ET, which aims to capture the very essence of why the International Cancer Research Partnership (ICRP) was created.   ICRP is a unique alliance of cancer organizations working together to enhance global collaboration and strategic coordination of research.  This webinar, entitled “How collaboration is advancing research and clinical care in pediatric cancer,” is jointly organized by ICRP, National Cancer Research Institute Children’s Group and Events […]

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Phase III Pediatric Brain Tumor Clinical Trial Collaboration

Everybody is worried these days.  We have witnessed toilet paper hoarding and other behaviors that make us feel vulnerable and alone.  That's why we would like to hold up and highlight some fabulous Member Collaborations.   One recent collaboration between two CAC2 members really brings this story of hope in the midst of worry during Coronavirus as these two organizations, The Taylor Matthews Foundation and the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation found a way to support funding for a Phase III clinical trial. Here's the story in their words: "As you may recall, The Taylor Matthews Foundation first linked arms with PBTF [...] Read more

Joint Webinar Presentation: The Pandemic’s Impact on the Pediatric Cancer Research Landscape

Solving Kids’ Cancer and Max Cure Foundation offered a joint webinar: The Pandemic’s Impact on the Pediatric Cancer Research Landscape Timothy P. Cripe, Chief of Hematology and Oncology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital moderated the session that featured an all-star line-up: Peter Adamson, MD – former Chair, Children’s Oncology Group (COG) and current Global Head, Oncology Development & Pediatric Innovation, Sanofi Mark Kieran, MD, PhD – Pediatric Clinical Trial Lead, Bristol Myers Squibb Jeffery J. Auletta, MD – Director of the Blood and Marrow Transplant (BMT) Program and the Host Defense and Immunocompromised Infectious Diseases Program at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Carol Thiele, Ph.D, […]

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Members Help Each Other Spread the Word to Families During the Pandemic

CAC2 Members Greg Aune, Max Cure Foundation, and Solving Kids Cancer helped to bring answers to a community in turmoil over the Covid 19 crisis by co-promoting each others’ webinars to get information into more people’s hands: Dr. Gregory Aune “COVID-19: Addressing Family Concerns for Children with Cancer and Survivors” Dr. Timothy Cripe “Latest COVID-19 Insights from Doctors + Stories from the Frontline to inform Childhood Cancer Families & the General Community” Ryan Norton “Stress, Anxiety and Coping with COVID-19: A Conversation for Families in the Childhood Cancer Community”

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