CAC2 Childhood Cancer Community News Digest (August 28-September 3)
Assorted News from the Last Week:
Major League Soccer, MLS WORKS – the League’s social responsibility platform – and Continental Tire are teaming up during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month with the 10th annual “Kick Childhood Cancer” (KCC) campaign to raise awareness and funds for pediatric cancer research and treatment.
Are cannabis products safe and effective for reducing symptoms in children with cancer? Analysis finds insufficient data from published studies.
From Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory: Scientists have successfully transformed rhabdomyosarcoma cells into healthy functioning muscle cells. Could this lab breakthrough help bring differentiation therapy to the clinic?
In relapsed/refractory BRAF V600–mutant pHGG, dabrafenib plus trametinib improved ORR versus previous trials of chemotherapy in molecularly unselected patients with pHGG and was associated with durable responses and encouraging survival.
Lancet article emphasizes a crucial need to implement a data-driven methodological framework with validated measures to inform effective policies and interventions to address financial hardship in childhood cancer. (gated)
Upcoming Webinars, Online Opportunities, and Meetings:
Join the Childhood Cancer Data Initiative’s (CCDI’s) first Community Forum on September 11 at 2:00 ET, as it brings together experts, researchers, and community members to discuss CCDI progress and what’s on the horizon for the initiative. Learn more and register
Triage Cancer will offer a webinar on Medicare 101 on September 13 at 1:00 ET about Learn about the different “Parts” of Medicare, supplemental plans, decisions to make during open enrollment, and how it works with other insurance. We’ll close with a hands-on workshop to compare Medicare plans using Triage Cancer’s Medicare Options Comparison Worksheet.. Learn more and register.
Zoefia Alexandria Green Heart Gala, beautiful night of elegance and celebration to raise funds and awareness for Childhood Cancer/ Brain Cancer, September 15 at 7:00 pm ET. Learn more and register.
The co-chairs of the Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus will host the 14th Annual Childhood Cancer Summit on Thursday, September 21, 2023 in Washington, D.C. Everyone is invited. All RSVPs should be directed to McKayla Montgomery at .
Registration for CureFest 2023 is now open! Register today at:
MyPART will partner with the Life Raft Group to hold the NIH Pediatric and Wild-Type GIST Clinicat the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, MD. The clinic brings patients and families together with expert clinicians and researchers. To learn more about the upcoming clinic, please email BJ Thomas, RN at .
Register for the 55th SIOP in Ottawa, Canada on October 11-14. Experience 4 outstanding days of cutting-edge science, engaging debates, and networking with world-renowned experts. Learn more and register.
Recent Recordings:
This Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, National Cancer Institute leaders Dr. Nirali Shah and Dr. Christine Heske from the Center for Cancer Research break down some of the novel new therapy developments targeting b-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and other rare cancers that affect children.
Take Action:
Pediatric Cancer legislation needs your support. Learn more about how to support the Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act 2.0, the Sawyer Finn ACT, Comprehensive Cancer Survivor Act, Accelerating Kids’ Access to Care Act,and the Give Kids a Chance Act.
Submit your child’s photo for the CureFest Tribute Wall.
To help spread the word about the Childhood Cancer Data Initiative (CCDI), the National Cancer Institute has created a communications toolkit with a CCDI overview flyer, a one-pager with frequently asked questions about the CCDI Data Ecosystem, and sample social media posts and graphics. Access the toolkit, and feel free to reference, copy, and use its content for inspiration.
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