CAC2 Childhood Cancer Community News Digest (October 30- November 5)
Assorted News from the Last Week:
While new treatments for leukemia have improved outcomes for many patients, children with Down syndrome have not benefited as much. These young people are at increased risk for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and have higher rates of relapse and treatment-related harm.
Researchers have reported that soy expansion and the subsequent increase of pesticide use in Brazil’s Cerrado and Amazon biomes may correlate with an increased risk of mortality among pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).
FDA accepts NDA for Day One Biopharmaceutical’s Tovorafenib in pediatric low-grade glioma.
A collection of papers (listed below) from the St. Jude focus groups with bereaved parents.
Pediatric cancer outcomes have significantly improved, and yet this success is not spread equally across cancer types or patients (a review article).
Upcoming Webinars, Online Opportunities, and Meetings:
Triage Cancer will offer a webinar on Cancer Caregivers on November 15 at 11:30 ET about the rights of caregivers at work, how to replace lost wages while acting as a caregiver, and practical tips to support caregivers. Learn more and register.
Take Action:
A Draft Scientific Integrity Policy of the National Institutes of Health was released for public comment. The draft policy articulates the procedures and processes in place at NIH that help maintain rigorous scientific integrity practices. Additionally, the draft policy proposes several new functions to further enhance scientific integrity at NIH and throughout the biomedical research enterprise. Comments will be accepted until November 9, 2023.
Phase 1/2 trial which aims to determine the safety and feasibility of anti-CD33 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) expressing T cells (CD33CART) in children and adolescents/young adults (AYAs) with relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The trial will be done in two phases: Phase 1 will determine the maximum tolerated dose of CD33CART cells using a 3+3 trial design. Phase 2 is an expansion phase designed to evaluate the rate of response to CD33CART.
To help spread the word about the Childhood Cancer Data Initiative (CCDI), the National Cancer Institute has created a communications toolkit with a CCDI overview flyer, a one-pager with frequently asked questions about the CCDI Data Ecosystem, and sample social media posts and graphics. Access the toolkit, and feel free to reference, copy, and use its content for inspiration.
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