CAC2 Webinar–Cancer in Children with Birth Defects: What Can We Learn from Population-Based Studies 

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Our April CAC2 All-Member webinar hosted by Donna Ludwinski (Solving Kids Cancer) introduced Drs. Jeremy Schraw and Philip Lupo of Baylor College of Medicine who spoke about their research on nonchromosomal cancer predisposition.

Studies show that birth defects are one of the strongest risk factors for cancer in children, but who is at risk and why? To address these questions, the presenters performed the largest investigation of cancer risk in children with birth defects to date. They discussed how a child’s risk of cancer relates to the type and number of birth defects they are diagnosed with, evidence for possible genetic and non-genetic causes for the co-occurrence of these conditions, and how we can use these data to understand how cancer develops and improve outcomes for affected children.

Read more about the GOBACK Study in this brochure.

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