Rally for Medical Research, 2020

Rally for Medical Research, 2020, an annual AACR advocacy event, will take place as a completely virtual event!
Schedule of Events
Thursday, September 10
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT
Virtual Training for all Rally Hill Day Participants
Wednesday, September 16
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm EDT
Virtual Reception to Celebrate Medical Research
Thursday, September 17
9:30 am – 5:30 pm EDT
Rally for Medical Research Virtual Hill Day
Meetings with House and Senate offices will take place via phone/video conference. Participants in times zones other than EDT will have their meetings begin at 9:30 am in their local time zone. All meetings will be scheduled to end by 5:30 pm EDT.
Organizers are working hard to make sure the effort meets the same goal in this new format: to provide an opportunity for the entire medical research community to come together and advocate with one voice for robust, sustained, and predictable funding increases for the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Please see below for some important information regarding this year’s Rally events.
Here are the details according to
Hill Day Registration
We have a goal to make this the biggest Rally for Medical Research ever, and we’re getting there – but we need your help! If you have friends, family, or colleagues who might be interested in advocating for NIH funding on Sept. 17, please encourage them to register at https://rallyformedicalresearch.org/. We welcome new registrants from any state, but we are particularly looking for participants from these states so that we can cover all 50: Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. The updated deadline for Hill Day registration is August 31.
We will hold a training webinar on Sept. 10 at 1:00 pm EDT to provide information on the current status of congressional activity related to NIH funding, the messaging we will be using for the virtual Hill Day, tips to prepare for your meetings, and important logistics so that you know when and how to access your meetings. We will also have time for Q&A. We strongly encourage ALL participants to join the training webinar, regardless of previous Hill Day experience. The webinar will be recorded and shared with participants the following day for those who are unable to join live or who would like to review parts of the training.
To register for the training, please use this link. Please note that you will need to register for the training so that you can receive instructions and links for joining the webinar (you will not be automatically registered for the training when you register for the Virtual Hill Day).
Please plan to join us for a Virtual Reception to Celebrate Medical Research on Sept. 16 at 5:30 pm EDT. This event will bring together medical research advocates, Members of Congress and their staff, partner organization staff, and all who support our nation’s investment in medical research through the NIH. The event will feature video remarks from NIH leaders and some of our greatest champions on Capitol Hill. To register for the reception, please click here.
Social Media
We encourage you to engage on social media and share why supporting medical research is important to you! You can use the “I Rally for” sign in your photos and videos – just print it out and write whom or what you Rally for. We have also created a Rally photo frame you can use for your Facebook profile photo. Be sure to use the hashtags #RallyMedRes and #FundNIH so we can see and share your message!
We know you may have several questions, particularly with this year’s event being virtual. We’ve rounded up some of the most common questions on our Rally FAQ page. If you have a question that isn’t answered there, feel free to contact us at . We also plan to send weekly updates to all registered participants via email.
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