Currently browsing: Member Blogs

CAC2 Member Blog–Wisconsin Pediatric Cancer Action Plan Published!

By CAC2 Member Autumn Gentry, MACC Fund This collaborative state advocacy effort was due to the dedicated work of a pair of CAC2 members in Wisconsin building on the work that came together from other CAC2 members’ efforts.  We love to celebrate when our members work together!  I have been developing an advocacy arm for the MACC Fund with no formal experience or training, relying only on my personal connection to childhood cancer. I’ve noticed a pattern in getting things done: Start with an informed idea. Take a step forward. Listen for feedback. Connect with the right people. Repeat, one […]

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CAC2 Member Blog–Empowering Communities: Driving Childhood Cancer Awareness from the Grassroots

By CAC2 Student Member Joshua Omale In the heart of advocacy, the rhythm of change reverberates most profoundly at the grassroots level. For me, this journey isn’t just about raising awareness; it’s about igniting hope, one person and one community at a time. As a passionate advocate for childhood cancer awareness, my path has been shaped by stories I have heard that reflect resilience, bonds of  solidarity, and a relentless pursuit of a brighter tomorrow. In this deeply personal reflection, I invite you to  explore the transformative power of community-driven initiatives in the fight against childhood cancer with me. Grassroots […]

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CAC2 Member Blog–I Am Not A Miracle

By CAC2 Member Steven Giallourakis (The Steven G. Cancer Foundation) When someone has succeeded in life, we tend to think of them as successful. That they have earned the life they have. This might be partially true, hard work does pay off. Yet when we look at someone’s success we tend to gloss over all the luck. If we are talking about business success and the accumulation of wealth, being born in the United States of America is the best roll of the dice you can have. Being born to parents who love you, who support you and can help […]

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CAC2 Member Blog–Accelerating Kids’ Access to Care Act (AKACA) Gains Traction in Congress and Needs Your Help!

By CAC2 Member Matt Marks (Leukemia & Lymphoma Society) State borders shouldn’t be barriers to treatment for children with cancer or other complex illnesses. Yet all too often, they cause challenges—or even treatment delays—for children and their families who rely on Medicaid or CHIP for their health insurance. That’s why I encourage our community to champion the bipartisan Accelerating Kids’ Access to Care Act (AKACA).  This bill would reduce the paperwork required of doctors treating children from out-of-state, so that children can receive the care they need faster and with fewer delays. Recently, the U.S. House of Representatives’ Energy and Commerce […]

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CAC2 Member Blog–Perhaps one day, we can all say hello to the cure. ~The Meo Family

By CAC2 Member Matt Meo (Hello Cure) Our family is yet another childhood cancer family. Our son, Landon Meo, was diagnosed with medulloblastoma on March 25th, 2021 and passed away on December 17, 2022 at the age of 10 and 1/2. Landon always said his wish is that “no kid EVER” have cancer. Like many parents, we found ourselves asking, “What can we do to help?” We frequently saw parents share their child’s story on Facebook and Instagram pages. Many had thousands of followers. Even the ones with smaller followings had a circle of people who genuinely cared about them.  […]

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CAC2 Member Blog–Embracing Resilience: Navigating Childhood Cancer Advocacy in Nigeria

By CAC2 Student Member Joshua Omale As I reflect on my journey as a childhood cancer advocate here in Nigeria, I’m continually reminded of the profound resilience ingrained within the fabric of our communities. It’s a resilience born not just of strength, but of necessity, as we confront the daunting challenges that childhood cancer presents. In the heart of Nigeria, where resources are often scarce and access to healthcare is a privilege rather than a right, our advocacy takes on a deeper significance. It becomes a lifeline for families grappling with the emotional and financial burdens of a cancer diagnosis, […]

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CAC2 Member Blog–Joseph’s Legacy: A Personal Odyssey in the Fight Against Childhood Cancer

By CAC2 Student Member Joshua Omale   In the hushed corridors of my memories, Joseph's laughter remains a poignant melody, forever intertwined with the tale of his unwavering courage in the face of Hodgkin's Lymphoma. A journey that began with a misdiagnosis, the local hospital here initially labeled his symptoms as malaria, an oversight that cast a shadow over the critical early stages of his battle. It wasn't until we sought refuge in the halls of a larger hospital in another city that the cruel reality unveiled itself – Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a formidable adversary masked in the guise of a [...] Read more

CAC2 Member Blog–Grief and the Holidays

By CAC2 Organizational Member Katie Holcomb (Ryan’s Case for Smiles) When you’re grieving the loss of your child, holidays are tough. Instead of bringing joy and good tidings, the holiday season can increase feelings of sadness and loss. Even if you don’t celebrate a winter holiday, watching others come together can make you miss your child and old life, even more. While this is expected, it does not mean it isn’t hard. Below are a few ideas to help you manage grief this holiday and future ones to come.     Am I Grieving? As the holidays draw near, you […]

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CAC2 Member Blog–Fueling the Lifelong Fight Against Childhood Cancer: Nutrition for Patients and Survivors

By CAC2 Organizational Member David Achey (Wit You Against Childhood Cancer) Childhood cancer is a challenging experience that affects everyone: the child, their family and their loved ones. Both during and after treatment, nutrition plays a critical role in supporting the health and well-being of childhood cancer survivors and caregivers. Proper nutrition can help manage treatment-related side effects, support healing and recovery, and promote a long, healthy cancer-free life. Per the American Cancer Society[1], proper nutrition can help childhood cancer patients and survivors: Feel better and sleep better; Work better with their healthcare team; Reduce irritability and improve dealing with […]

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Remembering Donna “Nana” Marie Carmical: A Fierce Advocate for Childhood Cancer

By CAC2 Individual Member Joe Baber and Organizational Member Dena Sherwood (Arms Wide Open Childhood Cancer Foundation) On July 18, 2023, the childhood cancer community suffered a heartbreaking loss as they bid farewell to Donna "Nana" Marie Carmical. Known for her unwavering dedication and compassion, Donna was an advocate and a cherished friend to many. Her journey as a fighter began when her beloved grandson, Declan, lost his life to AT/RT brain cancer before his first birthday. In his memory, Donna co-founded the Journey 4 A Cure Foundation (J4AC) to spread awareness, increase funding, and promote more childhood cancer research. [...] Read more