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CAC2 Special Community Webinar–Vincristine Drug Shortage Update

Dr. Peter Adamson, Chair of the Children's Oncology Group (COG), shared information that COG has received along with a perspective on childhood cancer drug shortages, including the current situation with vincristine.  We were pleased to join with the Alliance for Childhood Cancer to invite members of the two coalitions and the wider community this Community webinar.  We offered this webinar so that the community could have a better understanding of the shortage, how to work with care providers, how to contact the FDA when problems arise from the shortage, and advocacy steps being taken. PUT_CHARACTERS_HERE Read more

STAR Act Co-Sponsor Map

Thanks to the many-faceted efforts in the childhood cancer community, the STAR Act has reached a tipping point (173 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives as of March 3, 2016).  This is an important milestone in moving the bill through the legislative process.  In March the focus is to push for even more co-sponsors, with a strong emphasis on Members who serve on the Energy & Commerce Committee.  We want as many Members as possible supporting the bill, so that we can move the bill to a successful committee hearing.  This map will help you locate your Representative: Hovering over or clicking each marker will […]

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Pediatric Cancer: Major Advances, Major Challenges – Notes from the 5th Annual Childhood Cancer Caucus

The Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus Presents Pediatric Cancer: Major Advances, Major Challenges 5th Annual Childhood Cancer Caucus Friday, September 19, 2014 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. Congressional Auditorium, US Capitol Visitors Center Co-Chairs: Congressman Michael T. McCaul (R-TX) Congressman Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) Keynote speaker: Dr. Francis Collins, Director, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Speakers: Dr. Ronald DePinho, President, MD Anderson Cancer Center Dr. Amrit Ray, Chief Medical Officer, Johnson & Johnson – Janssen Pharmaceuticals Notes: by CAC2 Member Laurie Orloski Opening remarks Vickie Buenger, President of the Coalition of Childhood Cancer (CAC2) Vickie Buenger kicked off the Caucus by welcoming […]

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NCI Meeting Scheduled for Fri. Feb 21

There will be a meeting next week at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) dedicated to pediatric cancer drug development. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) will hold its 64th Meeting of the Director’s Consumer Liaison Group (DCLG) on Friday, February 21, 2014 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Campus in Bethesda, MD. The meeting will focus on barriers to drug development in pediatric cancer research and will include participants from the pediatric cancer advocacy community, as well as private and public sector presenters. The panels will discuss the State of Pediatric Cancer Research, Potential […]

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From the Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus–Concerns about Daunorubicin Shortage

Link to Original on the Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus website Nov 12, 2013 Caucus Asks Questions about the Ongoing Shortage of Daunorubicin WASHINGTON, D.C. – Out of concern over the ongoing shortage of daunorubicin, an essential therapy in the treatment of leukemia in children, Representatives McCaul and Van Hollen, the co-chairs of the Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus, sent letters to the Food and Drug Administration  (FDA) and Teva Pharmaceuticals, the sole remaining supplier of the drug. As of this summer, Teva Pharmaceuticals was the sole remaining supplier of the drug. Teva recently informed the FDA that the drug was in limited supply and that […]

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