Guest Blog–National Cancer Institute Launches the CCDI Molecular Targets Platform

The Molecular Targets Platform is an NCI-supported instance of the  Open Targets Platform with a focus on preclinical pediatric oncology data. It is a tool that supports the identification and prioritization of molecular targets expressed in childhood cancers.


The Molecular Targets Platform builds upon the data and functionality of the Open Targets Platform while also including:

  • The FDA Pediatric Molecular Target Lists (FDA PMTL)
  • Analyses of pediatric oncology datasets from the Open Pediatric Cancer (OpenPedCan) project at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia:
    • Therapeutically Applicable Research to Generate Effective Treatments (TARGET)
    • Open Pediatric Brain Tumor Atlas (OpenPBTA)
    • Gabriella Miller Kids First (Kids First) Neuroblastoma

As the project matures, new pediatric cancer data and additional functionality will be added to the Molecular Targets Platform.

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