All posts tagged: Collaboration

Global Call to Action: International Childhood Cancer Day Follow Up

From our Friends at Childhood Cancer International: Every February 15th since 1993 people around the world have celebrated International Childhood Cancer Day, created and organized by Childhood Cancer International (CCI) and supported by SIOP. Every  three years there is a new campaign theme, and the theme for 2024 to 2026 focuses on the challenges and inequalities faced by children and adolescents with cancer, as well as their families.  The theme also seeks to highlight solutions. Our friends at CCI encourage everyone to participate in this important campaign! Why? The more voices that gather, the stronger the call and the greater […]

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CAC2 Webinar–Why Foundations Should Collaborate to Fund Research and How the Foundation Match Platform Can Help

As Foundation Match makes its debut, this webinar gave an opportunity to learn more about the platform. In addition, a moderated discussion explored a few of the different motives and approaches that CAC2 member organizations that co-fund research adopted and learned from an investigator about how funding collaboration has the potential to improve the research landscape. Panelists shared why they are excited to join the Foundation Match platform. Panel members include: Donna Ludwinski (Solving Kids’ Cancer) Lisa Ward (Tough2gether Against DIPG/DMG) Julie Guillot (Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Volunteer) Elias Sayour, MD, PhD (Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and Pediatrics, Principal Investigator, [...] Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Better Together: Survivorship Connection

In our February CAC2 All-Member webinar CAC2 invited the Survivorship Interest Group's Better Together committee to discuss their Project Incubator initiative.  Led by Mariah Forster Olson, and joined by committee members, Nick Giallourakis and Carolyn Breinich, this project would enable survivors and their parents, caregivers, and other family members, as well as nonprofit organizations and healthcare professionals, to be connected with available resources, programs, and services to assist in the lifelong journey of childhood cancer survivorship. This will be accomplished using our Better Together spreadsheet, as well as a unique, personalized approach. Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Why Childhood Cancer Foundations are Adopting the Venture Philanthropy Approach

In our January CAC2 All-Member webinar CAC2 invited the following panelists to speak on Venture Philanthropy: Dean Crowe - Rally Foundation For Childhood Cancer Research, Steve Giusto - Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation, Joe McDonough - The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation and Dena Sherwood - Arms Wide Open Childhood Cancer Foundation. Venture Philanthropy is a growing trend across many important social issues. For the childhood cancer community, one case study of venture philanthropy is with Oncoheroes Biosciences. Since October 2019, 12 childhood cancer nonprofits have invested in this biotech company that is developing new therapies for children with cancer. In this webinar, [...] Read more

CAC2 Collaborative Achievement–Foundations Moving Towards A Venture Philanthropy Model

This collaborative research effort was due in part to childhood cancer groups coming together as part of CAC2. CAC2 salutes CAC2 Member Organizations The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation, Jeff Gordon Children’s Foundation, The Children’s Cancer Research Fund, along with other community partners who have joined forces with CAC2 Supporting Organization Oncoheroes Biosciences in a unique effort against childhood cancer.  These foundations choose to invest in drug development to get promising drugs across the developmental “valley of death.” The drug development process consists of a long and arduous series of steps to bring a new pharmaceutical drug to the market. The valley of death is […]

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CAC2 Member Blog–Joint-Funding Initiative for Ewing Sarcoma

By CAC2 Member Sarah Bartosz, Beat Childhood Cancer This collaborative research effort was due in part to childhood cancer groups coming together as part of CAC2. Nearly one year ago, Gold In September (G9) joined forces with Beat Nb to become Beat Childhood Cancer, a single organization building research infrastructure, funding precision medicine, and growing the conversation to champion gold awareness. With belief in parent impact as a driving force, the expanded Beat Childhood Cancer organization has forged a new collaboration with other CAC2 members. In an effort to find novel ways to support precision medicine efforts, The Spada Pediatric [...] Read more

Guest Blog–How Collaboration is Advancing Research and Clinical Care in Pediatric Cancer

By Guest Blogger Dr. Lynne Davies, Operations Manager, International Cancer Research Program   It is with great excitement that I write to let you know about the upcoming webinar scheduled for Monday, April 19th at 10am ET, which aims to capture the very essence of why the International Cancer Research Partnership (ICRP) was created.   ICRP is a unique alliance of cancer organizations working together to enhance global collaboration and strategic coordination of research.  This webinar, entitled “How collaboration is advancing research and clinical care in pediatric cancer,” is jointly organized by ICRP, National Cancer Research Institute Children’s Group and Events […]

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CAC2 Webinar–Accelerating Drug Development for Children and Adolescents with Cancer

We were pleased to invite CAC2 members, associate members, student members, supporting organizations to our December CAC2 All-member webinar where Susan Weiner (Children's Cancer Cause) hosted Dr. Gilles Vassal, chair of ACCELERATE, an international nonprofit. Dr. Vassal discussed ACCELERATE and its fresh approach to addressing the complex challenges of developing innovative pediatric cancer therapies in the new regulatory environment. View the webinar below. Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Childhood Cancer Advocacy: National and International Voices and Action!

February's All-Member Webinar was presented by Ruth Hoffman, President of Childhood Cancer International and Danielle Leach, Co-Chair of the Alliance for Childhood Cancer. This CAC2 webinar contains details about this year’s celebration of International Childhood Cancer Day happening mid-February and about Childhood Cancer Action Days scheduled this year for March, 26-27 in Washington, DC. For your convenience and so that you can access specific links, the presentation slide decks are posted below. The panelists graciously allowed us to share their slide deck as well. The panelists graciously allowed us to share the ACC Briefing Slidedeck. Read more

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